Podcasts are not something new. They have been around for some times already. But this format really became the next thing around 6 years ago. And, with the pandemic, more and more people started to listen to this format to brighten the various curfews and lockdowns. You might have started to listen to podcasts too and might have the thought of having yours.

Like a radio that you can listen to while doing something else but better as you can really choose what you want to listen to, is the podcast format the right format for your business? If you are still wondering if you need a podcast, then here are 3 reasons for and 3 reasons against launching a podcast to support your business.
Reasons for launching a podcast
#1 Reason for launching a podcast: Podcasts are a format more and more listened to
According to Insider Intelligence, the podcast industry is expected to reach 94.88 billion USD by 2028 and, just for 2022, they forecast 424.2 million podcast listeners worldwide, accounting for around 20.3% of Internet users. A trend which is expected to go on for the coming years.
As a business owner, you can already imagine all the impacts and leads creation a podcast could have to help you increase your reach and sales.
The market is here and is going to increase. You just need to work on a podcast concept and topics which will resonate with your community.
#2 Reason for launching a podcast: Podcasts are a great way to share your knowledge and expertise
If you are looking to share your expertise in a funnier way than the traditional blog post but are afraid of the video format, which can be a bit too intrusive as it will show your face, and you are a bit shy, then podcasting is the right format for you.
Moreover, the podcast format enables a more intimate sharing as people are going to listen to your voice. It will be like having a chat with a friend in a cafe but at the time and location your audience prefers. Your voice will provide authenticity to your messages. Podcasts will help you to build a deeper connection with your community, which leads to the 3rd reason why you need to launch a podcast.
#3 Reason for launching a podcast: Podcasts help you to build up your community and to reach your ideal clients
Through your podcast, you will make your voice heard, sharing knowledge, news from your activities. But, you can also use your podcast as a way to make your clients, your community sharing their knowledge, experiences linked with your business but not only. It can also be knowledge and experiences linked with topics, values and missions which are shared and by you as a business and by your community.
You will speak the same language and it will, on one end, reinforce your authority inside your community and, on the other hand, help you reach your ideal clients through the process of “word to mouth”, which is, for me, the best advertisement you can have.
In a nutshell, your podcast can act as your brand ambassador and help you engage on a deeper level with your community, creating a virtuous circle of attracting new quality leads you could turn into yours clients who, on their side, will recommend your podcast and offers to their friends.
All is well and beautiful, however, in any decision making process, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Let’s now go through the reasons why you shouldn’t launch your podcast to support your business.
Reasons against launching a podcast
#1 Reason against launching a podcast: Not enough resources, time and energy for podcasting.
Launching a podcast is not just about recording an episode and that’s all. You have other steps involved in the process and you need to be sure you are able to deal with them.
For example, if you decide to have weekly episodes, meaning 4 episodes per month, you need to organise time in your schedule to prepare your episodes. And, even if you decide to outsource the editing, publishing on the hosting platform and repurposing your podcast episode into social media posts or blog posts, you still need to deal with the choice of your episode’s topic, the preparation of the script and the recording. And, depending on what you are planning to talk about in your podcast, this can take more or less time.
Podcasting is less about money investment, you can start with the minimum, and more about time investment.
#2 Reason against launching a podcast: Podcasts are the other must have communication tool
As we saw above, podcasting is a powerful communication tool. More and more businesses are surfing on that podcast wave, adding this new tool to communicate with their audiences.
However, beyond the novelty of this tool, podcasting requires commitment. When you launch a podcast, you sign a pact with your community. You commit yourself to air 1 episode per week for example. You create the expectation, the desire for the next episode. Every week, your audience will be waiting for the next episode.
Be clear about your intentions and objectives regarding your podcast and don’t launch a podcast because it’s the new hype communication tool everybody is talking about.
#3 Reason against launching a podcast: I need have a podcast because everybody has a podcast
As we saw, podcasting requires time, energy and commitment. If you feel you don’t have them yet, then, don’t launch your podcast now. Wait for when you will have a better vision. Be sure about your resources beforehand. The fact that everybody around you has a podcast doesn’t mean that you need or are ready yet for a podcast.
And, even if you decide to launch your podcast, start slowly, again, depending on the time and resources that you have. Don’t start with 1 episode per week straight away if you feel it will mess up too much with your schedule. Don’t forget, you have a business to run. Start with 1 episode per month and see how it goes. Then, over time, you can decide to have more, 1 episode every two weeks, then 1 episode per week and so on.
Also see if you have enough of contents’ topics to talk with your community. Listen to different podcasts to take inspiration from. Record yourself talking and see how you feel about that. You might understand that podcasting is not the right format for you. And this would be perfectly right.
I hope this article helped you to better apprehend podcasting for your business through these 3 reasons for and 3 reasons against.
And, if you are not sure yet about how to add podcasting in your marketing and communication strategy, why not booking a discovery call with me to discuss your challenges and expectations?
See you soon and happy podcasting!
Cath @MyMarketingToolbox